The environment in which the massage is to be performed should not be underestimated

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It must be adequately prepared, made comfortable, warm, clean and tidy in order to facilitate complete relaxation of the subject, who can assume different positions: prone decubitus, supine decubitus, lateral decubitus or seated with the aid of a suitable massage chair

The choice depends on the comfort of the patient being treated and also of the operator, as well as on the specific muscle areas to be massaged (for example, the supine position may be preferred to reach the front muscles of the neck). Cushions and rollers of various sizes contribute to the comfort of the person, at the same time promoting the complete relaxation of all body structures facial in Dallas, TX

The choice depends on the comfort of the patient being treated and also of the operator, as well as on the specific muscle areas to be massaged (for example, the supine position may be preferred to reach the front muscles of the neck). Cushions and rollers of various sizes contribute to the comfort of the person, at the same time promoting the complete relaxation of all body structures.

A cold or too heavy hand will be unpleasant and this sensation will accompany the patient throughout the session.

First of all, it is important to have a brief conversation with the patient regarding the symptoms, the onset of pain, the type of pain, the presence of it in terms of constancy in certain phases of the day and above all its classification on the vas scale because everything this will be able to direct us on what type of manual treatment is more appropriate to do.

Of fundamental importance are:

visual evaluation: the operator will have to evaluate the patient’s skin, the possible presence of dermatitis, moles, fungi, skin lesions, burns, abrasions or any signs that could be contraindications to massage therapy;

palpatory evaluation: the latter, in addition to allowing us operators to have direct feedback regarding the texture of the tissue, stiffness, humidity or dryness, sensitivity, temperature, elasticity and so on, really represents the first contact with the patient’s body.

The contact must be gentle, delicate and extremely respectful. It is the therapist’s hands that communicate with the body and with all its structures in an intense exchange of energy, heat and activation of all those mechanical, biological and psychological effects which depend on the massage.


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