How to select the timing belts for your machine?

Timing belts

In this technological era, everything is automated. Human involvement in most activities is getting reduced. It is because of the invention of different types of machinery, and we are using them to perform various functions in many fields. We could not say that there is no need for human beings to work, but it can cut the workload. These machines are made of thousands of smaller components, and when a single thing is not working, the whole machine will not work. One of those components is the correas dentadas which is a crucial part of any machinery.

You have to install a belt of good quality; otherwise, you have to change it over time. There are several things you need to know before buying this kind of belt for your machinery. Without an acquaintance with these things, there are more chances for you to end up buying something that is not at all worth it. Here are some of the considerations you have to keep in your mind and they are as follows:

Timing belts

  • Before everything, you have to be aware of the length, width, and number of teeth that the belt has. The length of this belt is proportional to the number of teeth. So you have to concentrate on the teeth to determine their length. Thus, you have to go for something that has the optimal number of teeth to choose its length.
  • Here comes another important consideration for the selection process. It is nothing but the pitch of the correas dentadas. To know about pitch, it is the distance between one tooth center and another one. There are different choices for the pitch, and they include T pitch, AT pitch, GT pitch, HTD pitch, and Super-torque. You can choose one from them based on your needs.
  • You also have to look at the Ultimate Tensile Strength (UTS) of the timing belt. And it refers to the breaking strength or tension rating of the belt.
  • At last, you need to know its greatest operating speed. This speed relies on material and timing belt geometry.

The above listed are the crucial things you need to consider before buying one. You also need to know the timing belt types so that only you can choose the best one that you need. There are double-sided belts, truly endless and open-ended belts, and thus you have to make a wise decision for your machinery.


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